Friday, August 13, 2010

Ramadhan is Baaaack~!

Assalamualaikum~ how's your third day fasting? me? i'm doing just fine! XD i ate cereals for sahur. it had been that way since like four years ago. people often ask me "kenyang ke makan cereals je?" then i'll say "kenyang~ makan nasi yang tak kenyang." then they'll say, "huh? peliknya awak ni.." O_o am i weird?

i love Ramadhan because the feeling that you got when it' time to buka puasa is so exciting! especially when mum cooks your favorite food. last night we ate nasi tomato. my mum's nasi tomato is the best! XD after buka puasa,  sembahyang terawih. i remember two years ago, when everybody sembahyang 20 rakaat, me, my sister and my uncle sembahyang 8 rakaat je, and then main monopoly. we will yell  "BAYAR BAYAR!!" when everybody is praying at the front. XD then my mum will scold us, "hish! apa bising bising ni? orang nak sembahyang lah! senyap sikit!" then we will be quiet for like 5 minutes, and after that the BAYAR BAYAR will start all over again :) the game will last till midnight. and the next day time sahur, the three of us look sooo sleepy that we might just sleep at the dining table XD

this morning, Qistina, Aina and I did a geography project. i never knew that even playing with play-doughs takes a lot of energy. as soon as i reached home today, i slept for a good 2 hours. :) my mum wants me to follow her to bazaar Ramadhan. got to go! by the way, Zaid's dad, welcome to my blog! XD


Stability of Mind in Unstable Times said...

Jap.nanti aku suruh ayah aku baca yg nih

qi$t!n@ said...

yes, u r weird. in a good way??
& Zaid's DAD?? 0_0'

awin_minho said...

what zaid's dad..??