of course it's good to be able to do many things at one time, but there's disadvantages too. like when i was praying 'terawih' just now, i suddenly got lots of ideas of making a poem. it's good to have many ideas, but why must it come when i'm praying??!! and at the same time i was also plotting a new fiction. and i was thinking of the ingredients of making cookies too. my prayer tonight was such a waste.. tak khusyuk langsung.. -___-'
and another weird thing about me is, good ideas for making a story, poem, song, etc. etc. always come at the most inappropriate moment. like when i'm doing a homework that needs a full concentration (when this happens, i tend to leave the homework behind and grab a paper to jot my ideas down.. and thus it'll lead to an undone work), and when i'm having my bath, it's fine actually cause when you're in the shower, you aren't doing anything so it's fine to brainstorm a little. but the bad thing is when i can't write it down and as soon as i get out of the shower, all the brilliant ideas would be gone. and another time when these smart ideas come is when i just turned off the lights and happily settled under the duvet. and when that smart ideas of mine comes, i would be too lazy to get up and get a paper and write it down and just go to sleep expecting that i'll remember it the next morning. but the next morning, i wont remember a thing... -___-'
so ideas pleeeeeeaaaaaaseeeee come at the time when i'm holding a note book and a pen in my hand. i'm begging you *90 degree bow*...
by the way, i just love reading macros now! dont know what macros are? let me show you! XD
my favorite of all time...
i have lots more! they're not made by me though... i'll post more later.. on my next post. XD still cant stop laughing. LOL! -not sure if you get the macros jokes or not *unsure*-
1 comment:
solat x khusyuk.......
lawaklah empat dr bawah
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